Setup Email SMTP in AX
This function is built to alternate Sysmailer class to avoid "error script 25"
//Try to read comment carefully to understand how this method works
static void sendEmail(container _toAddressCon,
str _mailSubject = "",
str _mailBody = "",
container _attachmentCon = conNull(),
container _ccAddressCon = conNull(),
container _bccAddressCon = conNull(),
str _fromAddress = "",//SysEmailParameters::find().SMTPUserName,
str _SMTPServer = "",//SysEmailParameters::find().SMTPRelayServerName,
int _portNumber = 587,//SysEmailParameters::find().SMTPPortNumber,
str _userName = "",//SysEmailParameters::find().SMTPUserName, //should be a valid email address
str _password = "P@$$word")//SysEmailParameters::password())
//Define current Live AOSs
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mailMessage;
System.Net.Mail.MailAddress mailFrom;
System.Net.Mail.MailAddress mailTo;
System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection addressCollection_CC;
System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection addressCollection_BCC;
System.Net.Mail.Attachment attach;
System.Net.Mail.AttachmentCollection attachCollection;
System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient smtpClient;
System.Net.NetworkCredential networkCredential;
str toAddress_Single;
str toAddresses_All;
int i;
AOSId currentAOSId;
FileIOPermission filePermission;
boolean hasAttachment;
str ccAddress, bccAddress;
str attachmentPath;
int noOfRecipient;
//cnt email log
SCA_ScancomParameters scancomParameters;
SCA_EmailLog emailLog;
str attachmentPathEmail;
str ccAddress_All;
str bccAddress_All;
InteropPermission permission = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop);
scancomParameters = SCA_ScancomParameters::find();
//Temporary disable below code as user can not read AOS due to right limitation
/*currentAOSId = conpeek(VtvUtil::getCurrentAOSInstance(), 1);
//Only allow sending email if current environment is Live
if ( !(currentAOSId == #LiveAOSId_01
|| currentAOSId == #LiveAOSId_02
|| currentAOSId == #LiveAOSId_03
|| currentAOSId == #LiveAOSId_04))
if (!SysEmailDistributor::validateEmail(_userName))
throw error("Invalid sender user name. Email sending cancelled!");
if (conlen(_toAddressCon) == 0)
throw error("No recipient address to send!");
//Convert address container to string, seperated by comma
//toAddresses = con2str(_toAddressCon, ","); // this code is more efficient but should not be used due to:
// + It does not remove duplicated email addresses
// + It does not validate single email address format
//This code wil convert, validate & remove duplicated email address in container
for (i =1; i <= conlen(_toAddressCon); i++)
toAddress_Single = conpeek(_toAddressCon, i);
//Make sure every single recipient address is in correct format
//if (!SysEmailDistributor::validateEmail(toAddress_Single))
// throw error(strfmt("Recipient address: %1 is invalid.", toAddress_Single));
//Combine all single addresses into one address string, seperated by comma (,)
if (toAddress_Single// && SysEmailDistributor::validateEmail(toAddress_Single)
&& !strScan(toAddresses_All, toAddress_Single, 1, strlen(toAddresses_All)))
toAddresses_All = toAddresses_All ? toAddresses_All + "," + toAddress_Single : toAddress_Single;
noOfRecipient ++;
smtpClient = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(_SMTPServer, _portNumber);
//if (noOfRecipient >= 10)
smtpClient.set_Timeout(1000000); //lan.nguyen - must add to avoid 'Time out' error when send to > 10 recipient
//Init mail message with sender & receipient
mailMessage = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(_fromAddress, toAddresses_All);
//Add CC address
addressCollection_CC = mailMessage.get_CC(); //Note: Method name 'get_CC' is case sensitive
for (i = 1; i <= conLen(_ccAddressCon); i++)
ccAddress = conPeek(_ccAddressCon,1);
if (ccAddress)
//cnt record email log
ccAddress_All += ccAddress + ';';
//cnt - end
//Add BCC address
addressCollection_BCC = mailMessage.get_Bcc(); //Note: Method name 'get_Bcc' is case sensitive
for (i = 1; i <= conLen(_bccAddressCon); i++)
bccAddress = conPeek(_bccAddressCon,1);
if (bccAddress)
//cnt record email log
bccAddress_All += bccAddress + ';';
//cnt -end
//Init mail subject & content
mailMessage.set_IsBodyHtml(true); //Enable HTML mail content
//Add attachment if any
for (i = 1; i <= conLen(_attachmentCon); i++)
attachmentPath = conPeek(_attachmentCon,i);
if (attachmentPath != '' && WinAPI::fileExists(attachmentPath))
hasAttachment = true;
if (hasAttachment)
for (i = 1; i <= conLen(_attachmentCon); i++)
attachmentPath = conPeek(_attachmentCon,i);
//lan.nguyen - do not require permission
//assert permision to make sure attach file is readable
//filePermission = new FileIOPermission(attachmentPath, 'r');
attach = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(attachmentPath);
//attach.set_Name(VtvUtil::getFileName(_fileToAttach) + VtvUtil::getFileType(_fileToAttach)); //name to display file as in email
attachCollection = mailMessage.get_Attachments();
//cnt get all attachment path
attachmentPathEmail += attachmentPath + ';';
//cnt -end
// For SSL enabled mail servers. Ex: gmail,
networkCredential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(_userName, _password);
//release asserted permission
if (hasAttachment && filePermission)
//cnt - if scancomparameters is setup -- write to email log
if (scancomParameters.TrackSendEmailLog == Noyes::Yes)
emailLog.Subject = _mailSubject;
emailLog.EmailBody = _mailBody;
emailLog.Recipients = toAddresses_All;
emailLog.AttachmentPath = attachmentPathEmail;
emailLog.NoOfRecepients = noOfRecipient;
emailLog.CCRecipients = ccAddress_All;
emailLog.BCRecipients = bccAddress_All;
//cnt -end
throw error(CLRInterop::getLastException().ToString());
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