Particular financial dimension mandatory on a form in AX 2012
Nghia Song - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Technical Consultant
Nghia Song
Tel - WhatsApp: +84967324794
Nghia Song
Tel - WhatsApp: +84967324794
We may come across mandate particular financial dimension on particular form.
Here is the process to mandate Department dimension for customers.
Am using event handlers introduced in AX 2012 to achieve this.
Go through the below link to understand better on Event handlers.
Step1. Create a new Class with the name ‘CustTableEventHandler’
Step2. Create a new Pre-or post-event handler method as shown below
step3. Rename newly created method as ‘custValidateWrite’ and write logic as shown below.
public static void custValidateWrite(XppPrePostArgs _args)
DimensionAttribute dimAttr;
DimensionAttributeValue dimAttrValue;
DimensionAttributeValueSetItem dimAttrValueSetItem;
CustTable custTable;
RefRecId defaultDimension;
boolean ret;
custTable = _args.getThis();
ret = _args.getReturnValue();
defaultDimension = custTable.DefaultDimension;
dimAttr = DimensionAttribute::findByName('Department');
select firstonly RecId, DisplayValue from dimAttrValueSetItem
where dimAttrValueSetItem.DimensionAttributeValueSet == defaultDimension
join dimAttrValue
where dimAttrValue.RecId == dimAttrValueSetItem.DimensionAttributeValue &&
dimAttrValue.DimensionAttribute == dimAttr.RecId &&
dimAttrValue.IsDeleted == false;
if (!dimAttrValueSetItem.DisplayValue)
ret = checkFailed("Department must be specified.");
step 4. Go to ‘validateWrite’ method of CustTable then right click & select New event handler subscription as shown below.
Step5. Go to the properties of newly created event handler method & set the properties as shown below.
Step6. Now try to create new customer without department then it throws a message saying that ‘Department must be specified.’