Dynamics 365 FO - User Interface - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Vietnam

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Vietnam

Song Nghia - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Vietnam


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Dynamics 365 FO - User Interface

 Dynamics 365 FO - User Interface

Nghia Song -  Microsoft Dynamics 365 Technical Consultant

Nghia Song

Tel - WhatsApp: +84967324794

Email: songnghia.uit@gmail.com

  1. User Interface

  1. Objects

The objectives are: 

  • Design and build Forms in Microsoft Dynamics 365

  • Join two data sources on a form. 

  • Create customized menus and menu items. 

  • Create a form using design partern. 

  • Know the components of a list page. 


This course discusses how to develop the user interface without having to write any code. 

Forms are created so that the end-usercan enter and view data. To make navigation easier for the end-user, menus and menu items will be created.

  1. Forms

Forms are the primary method of interaction between Microsoft Dynamics 365 and the end-user. By understanding and exploring existing forms, new forms can be developed while retaining the samelook and feel as standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 forms

Elements that Compose a Form 

Forms are composed of multiple object categories. The basic object categories of a form include: 

  • Methods 

  • Data Sources 

  • Parts 

  • Designs 

To examine these categories, open the Application Object Tree (AOT) and locate the CustTable form within the Forms branch of the AOT and expand the CustTable form node as shown in the figure.

Form methods are blocks of X++ code that, for example, are executed when opening or closing the Form. Form methodsare discussed in a later development course. This course discusses Data sources, Designs and Parts. The next chapter will discuss Permissions.

2.1 Form Designs

Several different standard form designsare available for use in different situations. To better understand Forms and their design, this course will examine some of the forms in the application.

Demonstration: Examining Form Design 

This demonstration explains the design of a pre-existing form. 

From the application workspace main menu, navigate to Accounts Receivable > Customers > All customers.

The main part of the form is the grid that displays a list of customers. Immediately above the grid is a filter. At the top is the Action Pane containing buttons that will take you to another form, or process an action. On the right is the FactBox pane that displays information from other tables linked to the

customer record that are currently highlighted. At the bottom is the Preview Pane, showing more information from the customer table. Now in the developer workspace, locate the form CustTableListPage. Expand the Parts node, and the Designs > Design node.

HINT: You can right click the form and select Personalize. Select the Information tab, it will show a Form name: CustTableListPage. Select the Edit button and this will open an instance of this object in the AOT.

In the Design node, the Action Pane, the Filter, and the Grid are visible. The Parts node includes links to the parts displayed on the form. The first part is the CustListPagePreviewPane, and the other parts are the FactBox parts. If you expand the Grid node, the fields on the grid are visible.

Now return to the application workspace. Click the Edit button in the Action Pane. This opens a new form with more details about the customer and you can edit the record.

The form also includes an Action Pane and a FactBox Pane. The main part of the form has FastTabs. You can click on each FastTabto obtain more information about the customer. At the bottom of the form in the status bar, there are a number of navigation buttons. If you click the Grid Viewbutton, the form displays records in grid form, and you can select another customer record. You can click on Details Viewto show the details again.

  1. Form Data Sources

Because forms present data to users, they must provide a source for the data. These collections of data are called data sources and they link to the Tables in the AOT.

Expand the Data Sources node for the PriceDiscTable form and view the properties for the PriceDiscTable data source.

  1. Menu Items

You can use menu items to activate application objects from the user interface. 

Menu properties include the following: 

  • Name: The name of this menu item 

  • Label: The label appearing on the menu item 

  • Object Type: The type of object this item points to 

  • Object: The object name that this item points to 

Three types of menu items can be created: 

  • Display - used for forms 

  • Output - used for reports 

  • Action - used for running processes 

Output and Action menu items are discussed in other training courses.

Display Menu Items 

Display menu items open objects that appear on the screen, typically forms. For example, clicking the Customers menu item in the Accounts Receivable module opens the CustTableListPage form. This Display Menuitem points to the Form object CustTableListPage.

Next: Dynamics 365 FO - User Interface - Create a simple Form

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