AX / D365FO – Copy Data from Regular Table to Temporary Table in X++ - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Vietnam

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Vietnam

Song Nghia - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Vietnam


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

AX / D365FO – Copy Data from Regular Table to Temporary Table in X++

 AX / D365FO – Copy Data from Regular Table to Temporary Table in X++

Copying data from a regular (persisted) table to a temporary table in X++ can be done efficiently using the setTmp() and data() methods. Below is a step-by-step guide and an example code snippet to achieve this.

Example Scenario:

You need to copy all inventory items located in Toronto from the InventTable to a temporary table.

Steps to Follow:

  1. Declare the Tables:
    • Declare both the regular and the temporary table variables.
  2. Set the Temporary Table:
    • Use the setTmp() method to mark the temporary table.
  3. Select and Copy Data:
Use a while select statement to iterate over the records in the regular table.
Use the data() method to copy data from the regular table to the temporary table.
Insert the copied data into the temporary table using the doInsert() method.

static void CopyInventTableDataToTmp(Args _args)
    InventTable     inventTable;
    InventTable     inventTableTmp;

    // Set the temporary table

    // Iterate over the records in the regular table and copy to temporary table
    while select * from inventTable where inventTable.City == 'Toronto'

    // Optional: Output the results or perform further processing
    // Example: Display the records in the Infolog
    while select * from inventTableTmp
        info(strFmt("Item: %1, City: %2", inventTableTmp.ItemId, inventTableTmp.City));


  1. Declare the Variables:

    • InventTable inventTable; is the regular (persisted) table containing the inventory items.
    • InventTable inventTableTmp; is the temporary table where the data will be copied to.
  2. Set the Temporary Table:

    • inventTableTmp.setTmp(); initializes inventTableTmp as a temporary table.
  3. Select and Copy Data:

    • while select * from inventTable where inventTable.City == 'Toronto': Selects all records from InventTable where the City field is 'Toronto'.
    •;: Copies the data from the current inventTable record to inventTableTmp.
    • inventTableTmp.doInsert();: Inserts the copied data into the temporary table.
  4. Output Results (Optional):

    • This optional section iterates over the temporary table and displays the records in the Infolog. This can help verify that the data has been copied correctly.


  • Ensure the structure of the temporary table matches the structure of the regular table.
  • Use proper error handling to manage any exceptions that may occur during the data copy process.
  • If filtering criteria are more complex, adjust the while select statement accordingly.

By following these steps, you can effectively copy data from a regular table to a temporary table in AX / D365FO, enabling you to work with temporary data for reporting or further processing without affecting the original data.

About Our Team

Our team is composed of software development and analysis experts who have worked both domestically and internationally:

  • Nghia Song (Mr.) - Technical Architect. With over 6 years of experience in implementing ERP and integration projects.
  • Jone Nguyen (Mr.) - Senior Technical Consultant. With practical experience in 25 E-invoice projects with software systems of businesses both domestically and internationally.
  • Victor (Mr.) - Senior Project Manager.With over 12 years of specialized experience in Dynamics 365 Fno.
  • Lisa Doan (Ms.) – Finance Consultant. A consultant specializing in accounting on Dynamics 365 FO and consolidated accounting systems.

Song Thành Nghĩa                                                 
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Technical Architect
Mobile/WA: +356 7748 2386 | Web:
Zalo: +84 967 324 794 | Mail:

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