Understanding Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Databases - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Vietnam

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Vietnam

Song Nghia - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Vietnam


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Understanding Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Databases

 Understanding Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Databases

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (D365FO) relies on several databases to store and manage its data efficiently. Let's delve into each of these databases and their roles:

1. AxDB (Online Transactional Processing Database)

  • Purpose: AxDB serves as the operational database or the Online Transactional Processing (OLTP) database for D365FO.
  • Functionality: It stores transactional data related to various business processes, such as sales, purchasing, inventory, financials, and more.
  • Usage: AxDB is the primary database where day-to-day transactions and operations are recorded and managed.

2. AxDW (Aggregate Entity Store)

  • Purpose: AxDW, or the Aggregate Entity Store, is used for analytical purposes.
  • Functionality: It serves as a data warehouse that aggregates and stores business data in a format optimized for analytics and reporting.
  • Usage: AxDW is used by reporting tools and analytical applications to generate insights, perform data analysis, and create reports based on historical and aggregated data.

3. DynamicsAxReportServer (SSRS Database)

  • Purpose: DynamicsAxReportServer hosts the SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reports for D365FO.
  • Functionality: It stores report definitions, data sources, and other metadata required for generating and rendering SSRS reports.
  • Usage: DynamicsAxReportServer is accessed by the SSRS service to execute and deliver reports to users within D365FO.

4. FinancialReportingDB (Management Reporter)

  • Purpose: FinancialReportingDB, also known as ManagementReporter database, is used specifically for financial reporting.
  • Functionality: It stores financial data and report definitions required for generating financial statements, budgets, and other financial reports.
  • Usage: FinancialReportingDB is utilized by the Management Reporter tool to produce formatted financial reports based on the organization's financial data stored in D365FO.


Each of these databases plays a crucial role in the functioning of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. From managing day-to-day transactions to enabling analytical insights and generating reports, these databases work together to support various aspects of the business operations.

Understanding the purpose and functionality of each database helps administrators, developers, and users make informed decisions regarding data management, reporting, and analytics within D365FO.

Happy exploring with SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio)! 🛠️📊

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